
Progress #1116

So, as said earlier. I reworked the inventory system to make it possible to drag items to where the player wants them, or to remove the from the inventory. I actually ended up with a much cleaner code.
Apart from that I've changed the mob spawn zones, earlier I used one game object for every spawn point of a monster, a painful side-effect of that was of course the need to position every single point in the level, but it also was sort of boring since the monsters could only spawn a pre-decided positions.

I'm now only adding the zone to the position I want it to be at, setting up its borders and letting the MobZone class generate points inside those borders by random, to spawn instances of the monster at, and at the same time making sure no mobs are spawned inside eachothers.

Also fixed various small bugs, such as the damage model class painting outside the texture bounds and player character loading up multiple instances on level change.