
Loot Burn Kill Repeat #2502

Hello! I've added some new monsters since last week, and also updated the mutant character and given it a completly new look. Also instead of beeing a fast enemy it is now a more slow-moving monster that deals massive damage.

Apart from that I've nearly finished a Procedural Item Generation (PIG) thingie. All items (apart from materials and cash) are randomly put together by the game at runtime and will adjust the stats of the item depending on what "factory" created it, player level, loot/monster lvl, general progress. Rarity-roll has been moved into the PIG class. I've also added a list of Item Conditions. The PIG will generate a condition and depending on result add bonus-stats and buffs if it's in good condition or subtract from base-stats and remove possible modifiers/buffs if it's in a craptastic condition.

Old Character model of the Mutant

New Character model of the Mutant

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