
Progress #1211

Bah, I've caught the flu ;< *sob*

But nevermind! :D I've fixed some stuff with the RPG last week and I do believe I can send a beta to testers by the end of the week!

Among the things that've been added are new (special) items, such as body mods (buffs character stats) grenades, mines etc. Aswell as four new damage types ( Fire, Frost, Radiation and Goo... though, goo will be something else but my imagination've kinda collapsed at the moment... ).
Weapons that are dropped have a chance of gaining bonus damage of the earlier mentioned damage types, which also can cast damage per second over a specific period of time.

I'll add to that later, with a chance for clothes to gain defense and resistance bonuses aswell as set up characters resistance to each specified damage type in their stats.

And one more thing before I sign off! I added items to represent the amount of ammunition the player have collected. I noticed that the ranged weapons of the game are a great advantage and without the ammo-requirement alot of the challenge was killed. Sure, the monsters of the areas I've finished this far are relatively slow (or atleast most of them.) and I will add more, and also more ranged enemies so the advantage of having rifles that don't need ammo to function could probably be reduced as I get more finished, but even if it does I like this new way of handleing ranged weapons better so I'll most likely stick to it!

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